Friday 14 February 2014

Dear all, I took the opportunity to create this blog as a platform where we can collaboratively learn and exchange ideas and thoughts to help each other to cope with our studies. You are all welcome to invite more students to actively engage in this platform.
This platform will serve to clarify misconceptions and provide adequate guidance to support all the members on board.

Good luck to 'one and all'


Hi colleagues, here are the questions taken from SAKAI which we need to respond to before submission of the 1st assignment:

Reading for Friday is Phillips’s chapter ‘Positivism’, pp. 23-29 in the CR, as well as a first inspective reading of his ‘After the wake ...’, pp. 30-38 in the CR.

  1. ‘The corpus of the sciences does constitute a magnificent achievement ... What precisely has been the source of their success?’ (Phillips) What answer/s might be given to Phillips’s question?
  2. Is observation essential to the pursuit of knowledge? Are observation and sensation (sense-experience) identical?
  3. Comment on the analogy at the beginning of Phillips’s ‘After the wake ...’ (CR p. 30). Do you think it is a good analogy? Why or why not?